30 products
We proudly stock the largest selection of dumplings in Singapore. Our range include meat, potato, cabbage, and cream cheese, but also fruits. You’ll also see a great choice of ready-made chicken meals.
30 products
We proudly stock the largest selection of dumplings in Singapore. Our range include meat, potato, cabbage, and cream cheese, but also fruits. You’ll also see a great choice of ready-made chicken meals.
Hand made "Siberian Pelmeni", Dumplings with beef, frozen, 1kg
Dumplings with lamb, beef, turkey "Kazahstanskie", frozen, 1.5kg
"Siberian Pelmeni" hand made dumplings pork and beef, frozen, 1kg
Handmade Siberian Manty with pork, frozen, 1kg
Dumplings "I love Pelmeni" with chicken filling, frozen, 1kg
Dumplings with pork and beef, "Zastolnie", Golden Collection, frozen, 1kg
Hand made dumplings (wareniki), filled with cottage cheese, frozen, 800g
Dumplings "Bulmeni" with pork and butter, 1kg
Wareniki hand made - dumplings filled with potato, frozen, 800g
Sausage "Kazi", frozen, 600g
Dumplings "Bears" with pork, frozen, 1kg
Wareniki with potato and mushrooms, frozen, 600g
Dumplings with Turkey filling, frozen, 450g
Dumplings "Siberian" with pork and beef, frozen, 500g
Dumplings (Wareniki) with potato, frozen, 500g
Dumplings (wareniki) with cream cheese, frozen, 450g
Dumplings (Wareniki) with cherry, frozen, 500g
Pancakes (Blini) "Homemade", frozen, 400g
Pancakes (Blini) with cherry, frozen, 360g
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