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Vegetable Appetizers (Zakuski)

76 products

The most extensive section of our pantry is the Zakuski – vegetable appetizers – which are perfect as starters, or just to enjoy as a dip or snack. Eggplant, cucumber, tomato, beans, mushroom, zucchini, cabbage, carrot, red beet – the list of vegetables we stock is very long!

    Cucumbers "Zakuska", 900g
    Lecho, 720 ml
    Cherry Tomatoes low salted "Zakuska", 720 ml
    Tomatoes "Po-Hersonski", 850g
    Pickled Cherry Tomatoes, 720 ml
    Bulgarian fried eggplant ragout, 380 ml
    Vegetables preparation with horseradish Hrenovina, 285g
    Salad "Vinegret", 500g
    Cabbage Sauerkraut fermented with carrot "Pogrebok", 880g
    Sour Cabbage (crunchy), 860g
    Adjika, 360g
    Adjika from Georgia, 360g
    Green peas, 500g
    Sauce Adjika delicate, 380g
    Paste "Adjika Classic", spicy-hot, 200g
    Adjika, spicy, Macheev, 127g