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Сушеная рыба

10 товаров

There is always a strong selection of dried fish, which changes regularly. We frequently stock dried roach, bream, halibut, salmon trout, and the very popular headless mackerel. You’ll also find the popular snack-packs of dried fish – our favorite snack with a drink or two!

    Vobla "Astrakhan" (Roach), dried, 4 pieces, approx. 200g
    Snack of Pacific cod in strips, with sesame, dried and salted 36g
    Вяленая треска Пикантная закуска полоской, 36г
    Сушеная закуска из кальмаров, 36г
    Snack from golden thereadfin Bream fillets, dried and salted, 36g
    Snack from spotted Bigeye salted and dried, 36g
    Сушеная закуска из кальмаров, 36г
    Бычок вяленый, 36г
    Сушеная закуска из кальмаров, 36г
    Анчоус сушеный, 36г