Молочные продукты и сыр

145 товаров

We are very proud to stock Singapore’s largest selection of dairy & cheese from Central and Eastern Europe. You’ll find a wide range of the most popular brands from the region for kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, hard and soft cheeses, and curd cheese bars. Our dairy is air-flown to Singapore!

    Cream cheese, Savushkin, 65%, 900g
    Goat cheese Mediterranean Style, Peynoos, 750g
    Cottage cheese, Savushkin, 9%, 1000g
    Smoked Cheese, Kashkaval, Slavyanka, 450g
    Сыр Брынза "Сваля" 60%, 720г
    Semi-hard cheese Klassicheskiy, Brest-Litovsk, 45%, 500g
    Turkish cottage cheese, Muratbey, 500g
    Pasta filata cheese Suli-guli, Georgia, 45%, 400g
    Romanian cheese, Telemea, Five Continents, 300g
    Traditional Romanian cheese, Branza de Burduf, 300g
    Творог рассыпчатый, 16%, 275г
    Goat cheese matured in brine, 52%, 200g
    Cottage cheese, Savushkin, 5%, 700g
    Romanian semi-hard cheese, Pachet De Acasa, 300g
    Romanian semi-hard cheese, De La Ferma, 300g
    Творог рассыпчатый, 16%, 275г
    Сыр "Сиргуни" 45%, 400г
    Fresh cream butter Extra, Mlekovita, 82%, 300g
    Творог "Сваля" 15%, 450г
    Сыр Брынза "Милочка", 480г
    Сыр 45% "Адыгейский особый", 400г
    Cheese Kashkaval, Mlekovita, 45%, 300g
    Smoked cheese braid, Stara Praha, 150g
    Творог "Сваля" 9%, 250г
    Romanian smoked cheese, Cascaval Afumat, Five Continents, 250g
    Romanian cheese, Cascaval Rucar, Five Continents, 250g
    Smoked cheese roll, Mlekpol, 300g
    Творог 1,8% "Сваля" с низким содержанием жира, 450г
    Goat cheese sliced, 100g
    Fresh salted cream butter, Svalya 82, 200g