Fresh & Organic

23 товаров

Our range of healthy and fresh produce include salads, vegetables, nuts, and teas. We maintain the freshness of these products instore, ready for purchase or delivery.

    Pomegranate, per piece (approx. 400-500g)
    Walnut baklava (homemade), 3 pieces
    Belyov Pastila bashkiria honey, 100g
    Beetroot peeled and cooked, 500g
    Quail eggs, 18 pieces
    Herbal Tea "Sage", 20 bags
    Cabbage with carrots, Polish Recipe, 650g
    Milk-cap, salted mushroom in brine, 500g
    Fermented Cucumbers "Moya Semya", 650g
    Cabbage Sauerkraut with carrots "Moya Semya", 900g
    Fermented Green tomatoes "Moya Semya", 650g
    Seaweed salad with carrot Korean style, 350g
    Olive oil Extra Virgin "Olivea", 1L
    Olive Oil Extra Virgin "Olivea", 250ml
    Tomatoes "Romindo", 750-800g
    Almonds, organic, 250g
    Hazelnuts, organic, 250g
    Природная минеральная вода "Боржоми", 0,5л
    Sold Out
    Семечки "Тамбовский волк" черные соленые, 500г
    Квашеная капуста с клюквой, 900г
    Салат из корейской морковки, 350г
    Sold Out
    Природная минеральная вода "Боржоми", 0,5л