Fresh & Organic
23 товаров
Our range of healthy and fresh produce include salads, vegetables, nuts, and teas. We maintain the freshness of these products instore, ready for purchase or delivery.
23 товаров
Our range of healthy and fresh produce include salads, vegetables, nuts, and teas. We maintain the freshness of these products instore, ready for purchase or delivery.
Cabbage with carrots "Kapusta kwaszona z marchewka", 650g
Julius Meinl Organic China Green Pure, 25 bags
Red beetroot juice concentrate, 200ml
Cabbage with carrots, Polish Recipe, 650g
Milk-cap, salted mushroom in brine, 500g
Fermented Cucumbers "Moya Semya", 650g
Cabbage Sauerkraut with carrots "Moya Semya", 900g
Fermented Green tomatoes "Moya Semya", 650g
Природная минеральная вода "Боржоми", 0,5л
Семечки "Тамбовский волк" черные соленые, 500г
Природная минеральная вода "Боржоми", 0,5л
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