892 товаров
892 товаров
Grainy cottage cheese in cream, mango and passion fruit, Savushkin, 5%, 130g
Grainy cottage cheese in cream, orange and pineapple, Savushkin, 5%, 130g
Soft cottage cheese, Savushkin, 0.1%, 125 g
Milk drink with ice cream flavor, Top, 2%, 450g
Milk drink with blueberry flavor, Top, 2%, 450g
Yogurt with bifidobacteria strawberry and raspberry, 2%, 415g
Yogurt with bifidobacteria blueberry cereal, 2%, 415g
Glazed curd cheese bar with vanilla 23%, Savushkin, 40g
Glazed curd cheese bar Biscotti, Savushkin, 40g
Glazed curd cheese bar Potatoes, Savushkin, 40g
Glazed curd cheese bar Coffee Caramel, Savushkin, 40g
Curd dessert blueberry, Savushkin, 120g
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