New at Anna’s Gourmet
284 товаров
284 товаров
Glazed curd cheese bar Biscotti, Savushkin, 40g
Curd dessert blueberry, Savushkin, 120g
Curd dessert pear and banana, 120g
Chocolate fondant with candied cherries, 200g
Chocolate with glazed prunes and walnuts, 200g
Cottage cheese, Savushkin, 5%, 180g
Semi-hard cheese Holland, Brest-Litovsk, 45%, 200g
Dry-cured sausage baltic style, Cris-Tim, 340g
Atlantic herring fillet "Maties - Original" in oil, 200g
Cottage cheese, Savushkin, 1%, 300g
Cottage cheese, Savushkin, 9%, 350g
Marinated seaweed Classic, Santa Bremor, 200g
Sour cream, Brest-Litovsk, 25%, 300g
Grainy cottage cheese in cream, raspberry, Savushkin, 5%, 130g
Glazed curd cheese bar Moya Alenka, Savushkin, 40g
Semi-hard cheese Rossiskiy, Brest-Litovsk, 50%, 200g
Semi-hard cheese Korolevskiy, Brest-Litovsk, 45%, 200g
Semi-hard cheese with baked milk, Brest-Litovsk, 45%, 200g
Sour cream, Brest-Litovsk, 20%, 300g
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