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299 товаров
299 товаров
Gingerbread "Severnie", 400g
Tomatoes "Po-Kavkazski", 850g
Kvass "Taras black", 0.5L
Kvass "Taras", 0.5L
Kindzmarauli Marani, Kindzmarauli 2023, Semi-Sweet, Georgia
Eggplant eastern style "Imam Bayaldi", 450g
Глазированный сырок с кусочками шоколада, 40г
Glazed curd cheese bar in chocolate, Schwinn, 45g
Glazed curd cheese bar in caramel, Schwinn, 45g
Jelly drops in chocolate “Mieszanka krakowska", "Wawel", 245g
Milk caramel “Krowka”, salty caramel, 250g
Cabbage salad, 800g
Chicken Kabanossy, low fat, high protein, 120g
Колбаса "Туристическая" с ароматом копчения, 650г
Rye bread with hemp seeds, 640g
Beetroot salad, fried, with apple shavings, 480g
Polish sausage "Kielbasa mysliwska", 180g
Chicken Pate with Mushrooms, Polish Style, 130g
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